Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Effects of Inflation

Inflation is defined as a sustained increase in the general level of prices which results in a decline in the purchasing power of money. Inflation is measured through the Consumer Price Index (CPI) which measures proportional changes in prices in a representative â€Å"basket† of g’n’s, weighted according to their importance in a typical Australian households budget. The RBA aims to keep inflation at an annual rate of 2-3%, and in order to do this a number of policies are available for the Australian government.Keeping Inflation under control is a primary concern for the Australian Government as it affects so many different parts of the Economy, including Economic growth, standard of living and unemployment. There are three types of inflation, depending on their causes. Firstly, demand pull inflation occurs when there is an excessive aggregate demand at or near full employment. If aggregate demand exceeds aggregate supply, prices of g’n’s rise as a rationing mechanism. This form of inflation is usually associated with periods of high economic activity.Secondly is cost-push inflation. If business costs such as the cost of wages or materials rise, businesses may aim to maintain profit levels by passing these costs onto consumers. This will result in higher prices and therefore inflation. The final type of inflation is imported inflation. Imported inflation occurs when the price of imports rises, and either adds to business costs (resulting in cost-push inflation) or feeds into the CPI as the price of final goods. Furthermore, a depreciation in the Au$ will raise import prices, also adding to imported inflation.There are a number of factors which may cause inflation in the Australian economy. A major cause of demand-pull inflation is excessive growth in aggregate demand. If aggregate demand increases from AD to AD1, aggregate supply which is the equivalent of real GDP will rise to GDP2 and the price level will rise from P to P2. This results in the inflationary gap of cd. This increase in aggregate demand may be the result of a number of factors, including increases in consumption expenditure, investment spending, net government expenditure, the money supply, or export incomes.Another major cause of inflation, this time cost-push inflation, is a decrease in aggregate supply. If aggregate supply decreases from AS to AS1, real GDP will decrease to GDP2 and the price level will rise to P1. This results in both a contraction in real GDP and a rise in inflation. The main causes of this decrease in aggregate supply is excessive wage growth not accompanied by productivity increase, a rise in the cost of raw materials, and other inputs, or a rise in government taxes or other charges that raise costs for firms.Cost-push inflation may also be the result of imported inflation it there is a rise in world prices of imported goods used in the production process (such as raw materials and intermediate goods) firms are lik ely to pass these costs onto consumers, resulting in inflation on the other hand if there is a rise in world prices of consumer goods, increased import prices will feed directly into the CPI, also resulting in inflation. Furthermore a depreciation in the Au$ in foreign exchange markets will result in a rise in the prices of imported raw materials, intermediate goods, and consumer goods, again contributing to Australia’s inflation.This is demonstrated in the stimulus when the RBA credits the decrease in inflation to the fading impact of 2000s exchange rate depreciation. A less common cause of inflation is the existence of monopolies or oligopolies. If a monopoly or oligopoly exists in an industry, the lack of competition allows producers to push up prices. This again results in inflation. The final cause of inflation in Australia is inflationary expectations. Inflationary expectations refer to the behaviour of individuals and businesses who seek to compensate for the current i nflation, as well as expected future price rises.This may be the result of either firms pushing up prices, or wage earners seeking higher nominal wages. Also, if consumers expect future prices to rise, they rather buy g’n’s now, which leads to increases in spending. This results in demand-pull inflation. Inflation can impact the economy in 3 ways. 1)By encouraging investment in speculative and unproductive activities and discouraging investment in ventures considered productive. Inflation encourages investment in real assets such as gold and real estate because they are considered ‘good shelters’ for inflation.This is because the scarcity of them often outpaces or at least keeps pace with the rate of inflation. If inflation occurs, people will seek to own such assets, shifting resources to these speculative and unproductive assets. Similarly this discourages investment in other assets. This is because entrepreneurs will not think it is financially viable t o invest and pursue a project that will only result in less profit, due to the higher costs of inflation. Similarly inflation increases the cost of production thus also discouraging entrepreneurs.For example, if inflation is high, people will invest in gold and real estate. Otherwise known as the opportunity cost, because people will allocate their resources into such ventures (gold and real estate) they must then forego investing into other ventures that are considered productive such as a new business, that may be producing capital goods or normal goods and services. Also by discouraging entrepreneurs is the rise in the costs of production that occur due to inflation, for example the raw materials.Similarly interest rates will rise, making it more expensive to borrow funds for investment purposes, making investment projects less profitable. Either way, inflation can cause a loss in production of capital goods, leading to lower living standards in the future, or a loss in the produ ction of normal goods and services, leading to lowering current living conditions, as current needs and wants go unsatisfied. Since returns from productive capital take longer to materialise, it means that entrepreneurs are also faced with a lesser return.This means that if the rate of inflation is greater than the return offered by the investment, then the project will not be considered economically viable, nor worthwhile. Similarly the risk of loss from any investment project will grow with inflation. Many small businesses take a couple of years before they start to make a profit, so if inflation is high, and is was not taken into account when the business was first planned, then the cost of production may rise, and the resulting price for the commodity will be too high for consumers. ) If inflation is present and is greater than that overseas, it reduces the overseas competitiveness of the Australian economy. This is because inflation is not only associated with a rise in prices, but also an increase to the costs of production. Therefore making overseas exports cheaper to the domestic market. Similarly the overseas firms do not have to put up with the rises in the costs of production. This provides a leakage in the circular flow (purchase of exports) and thus dampening demand in the domestic market, which if severe enough could lead to a recession, bringing with it many economic problems.An example of how inflation can lead to a recession, would be the 1970s, when high inflation averaged at 10. 4%. Which due to the high oil prices and strong domestic demand led to high inflation in the 1980s (8. 1%). This period of high inflation led to a dampening in spending and a recession in the 1990s (1990-1992) causing many problems such as unemployment. 3) It also creates many winners and losers in the economy. Those that benefit are the owners of real assets (real assets and gold), because their assets are worth more.As well as those belonging to well-organized grou ps who can demand wage increases (eg, strong trade unions. ) This can lead to rapidly rising wages, increasing the costs of production, and also discouraging investment in productive capital as mentioned above. In addition to this inflation can benefit people who have already borrowed funds because the cost of repayment, represent less as inflation rises. This is because inflation is defined by a loss in the real value of money, therefore the repayment will diminish over time.Conversely inflation disadvantages those on fixed incomes because they lose the real value of income as their money represents less purchasing power. Similarly for the same reasons it disadvantages those that keep their money in liquid form (ie, bank deposits). Also those that lend money receive less back in terms of repayment, due to the loss in value (eg, A mortgage repayment in 1960 was worth more than in 1980, where high inflation had occurred).Also since it reduces international competitiveness, inflation can disadvantage exporters who find themselves with less business opportunities. This can effect the economy, as overseas markets will not purchase Australian goods and services. Therefore the economy will not receive the injection into the circular flow that it would usually, without inflation. Without the strong domestic support that is present in Australia’s economy, the economy could have the effect of dampening economic activity, and aggregate demand.When inflation occurs in the Australian economy it usually had a number of causes. The main causes are excess aggregate demand, cost-push inflation, inflationary expectations and imported inflation. inflation disadvantages many groups in the economy, who in turn benefit other groups. This is because inflation can influence the allocation of resources in regards to encouraging and discouraging investment, the overseas competitiveness of the Australian market, as well as effecting individuals and firms, who often benefit at th e expense of others.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Loftus and Palmer Evaluation Essay

The Loftus and Palmer study is a laboratory experiment. This means that the study is artificial. The artificiality of the setting can intimidate participants or make them more obedient. This in turn can produce unnatural behavior and results that do not generalize to real life. This can be seen in experiment 2 when 12% of the control group reported seeing broken glass even though they were unaffected by the verb. This could be attributed to the leading question or to demand characteristics when participants look for cues as to what the research is about and behave accordingly, perhaps to please the researcher, especially as the participants in this case are students that may even be familiar with the researcher as they are from the same environment. In a nutshell, due to the nature of the experiment, it lacks ecological validity. In a real life situation there would be an element of surprise and an increase in emotion. Basically the eye-witness would be in some way involved, which is not the case while watching the video the eye-witness is not part of the event. Furthermore, an eye-witness in a real life situation may discuss the event with other people which may alter their memory of the event. Lastly, an eye-witness may think more carefully about giving an answer when in a real life situation when they realize that their answer could judge how innocent or guilty a person is, they may hesitate and realize the importance, although when taking part in a study they may just give an answer without as much thought. The participants were students meaning that the researchers used an opportunity sample. This means that all the participants share certain common characteristics and are not representative of society, these may include age, driving experience and educational background. If the study used a random sample the results could be generalized. This study was very useful because it introduced the notion of reconstructive hypothesis and that eye-witness testimony isnt’t reliable. This study, and studies similar to it, have led to changes nowadays as to how the police question and use the information given by witnesses. Certain other details that could also have influenced the participants answers include: the colour or make of the car; the driver; the ability to estimate speed.

Acadamic Misconduct Essay

Academic misconduct is described as academic integrity violation for the unfair advantage of oneself or unfair academic advantage or disadvantage to others in academic community, academic misconduct can be a plagiarism, cheating, and collusion but not limited. The other academic misconduct activities such as not obeying academic staff directions regarding assessments and group work submissions, falsifying reports, having/spreading examination materials without unit teacher permission, arranging someone to do assessment work all these included as academic misconduct. If an allegation arises towards a student and if it’s proven in an investigation then student has to face penalties under student academic misconduct policy. In this essay we going to discuss in brief about plagiarism, cheating, collusion and academic misconduct procedural process depending on minor or substantial misconduct when allegations arise and appeal for the student. As per UWS policy Plagiarism is defined as an â€Å"act of presenting material as one’s own without appropriate acknowledgement that constitutes plagiarism, not the intension of the student when doing so†, for example when student submits work in which words or ideas are presented as their own as intentional or unintentional without proper acknowledgment of the original author such as website, other students work, lecture, journal article or book. Cheating is described as any attempt to give or obtain assistance in a formal academic exercise such as examination, without due acknowledgment such as speaking to other students during examination, carrying any information materials such as textbooks, using electronics devices such as mobile, Bluetooth any other items which are prohibited by examination supervisor. Collusion is where two or more people engage in plagiarism, cheating or encourage others to do so. According to UWS Academic misconduct policy there are Minor misconduct and substantial misconduct. A Minor misconduct is determine by the university as a minimal threat to integrity of the student assessment in writing such as lack of referencing or academic requirements. A substantial misconduct is determine by the university as a major threat to integrity such as, when a student repeats minor misconduct activities intentionally, any allegations in the examination and any allegations related to collusion. In the process of investigating the allegations unit teacher, unit coordinator, Dean, school academic committee and student academic committee will be involved. in the first stage of Investigation process and hearing of academic misconduct, If unit teacher or examination supervisor believe that there is any academic misconduct happened, and they have evidence or reasons to support, teacher of the unit will report to unit coordinator with relevant documentation by signed copy or email, then with in five working days unit coordinator will send copy of allegation to the Dean. The dean, will advise unit coordinator to do investigation, and then unit coordinator and unit teacher decides to do further investigation, unit teacher will notify the student and invite for meeting in writing by post and email. Student can attend meeting with fellow student or university academic staff member or a student welfare officer. Meeting will be organised between 8 – 15 working days after on invitation letter despatch date. Student must respond to the invitation with in seven working days date of despatch whether he / she will attend the meeting or not. The decision will be made on the allegation even in the student absence. If unit coordinator decides that the allegation is not substantial he / she will dismiss it. Other penalties like refer to academic counselling, student require to re-submit assessment task after re-submission unit coordinator makes a decision on the marks and grades student may get zero marks. If the unit coordinator determine its substantial he/ she will be referred to relevant dean for decision. After going through all the process as discussed earlier in which case the unit coordinator will send the invitation letter to student for meeting with dean. After meeting if dean decides it’s not substantial dean will dismiss the allegation. When dean decides the allegations substantial then dean can penalise student such as recommend to counselling, ask for re-submission of work, if required student has to sit for exam again, dean will decide marks and grades. If dean judges that the allegation very substantial or too serious then dean refers that allegation to SAC (student academic committee). After going all the process as discussed above, student will have meeting with SAC members. After meeting if SAC decides if allegation are true it will take any action of dean penalties or combination of them, or suspend the student from university minimum period of 6months not more than 12 months, or dismiss the student for minimum of 12 months not more than 24 months in this case student has to apply for readmission or SAC can suspend the student permanently from the university. A student can appeal against the unit coordinators decision when student considers that the decision was made against the procedural fairness or when student not agreeing with allegations or when student considers that there is a substantial new evidence which was not available previously to unit coordinator or when student considers the penalty imposed by unit coordinator was too severe. Student must appeal within 15 days with evidence in writing to dean from the date of the letter advising of unit coordinators decision. It is the responsibility of every student to respect and obey the policy of UWS for academic misconduct to maintain academic integrity among academic community, when allegations were proven the student has to face severe penalties imposed by university academic committee besides the appeal options for student, The best option for students is to work hard on their own and get help when needed from academic teachers before submitting any academic work.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Hematology Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Hematology - Coursework Example Neutrophils contain primary (azurophilic) and secondary granules. Primary granules contain a enzymes and molecules that play a role in killing microbes, including hydrolases, elastase, myeloperoxidase, cationic proteins, defensins, and bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein. Secondary granules contain unique molecules such as lactoferrin, vitamin B12–binding protein, NADPH oxidase (which produces hydrogen peroxide), and chemoattractants receptors. The nucleus of neutrophils normally contains up to four segments, which is why they are also known as polymorphonuclear (PMN) cells. Neutrophils are phagocytes that perform the functions of immune surveillance and in situ elimination of microorganisms and cell debris. They circulate in the blood and also line vascular endothelium. They are the first immune cells to arrive at the site of inflammation through chemotaxis, and rapidly extravasate into the surrounding tissues. In the tissues, they release the degradative enzymes in their secondary granules that kills bacteria but also causes tissue destruction. They carry out phagocytosis to engulf opsonized cell debris and microorganisms that they come in contact with. The vacuole with the phagocytosed organism is fused with the primary granules, causing the oxidative and antimicrobial enzymes to access and kill the ingested microorganism. Neutrophils self-destruct after a life of 1-4 days in tissues. - Lymphocyte There are two main types of lymphocytes: B cells and T cells. They are round cells with a large, round nucleus and scant cytoplasm. Lymphocytes govern the acquired arm of immunity, they are responsible for mounting a specific host immune response targeted against a particular invading organism. B cell precursors are produced in the bone marrow, but they migrate to the peripheral lymphoid organs, where they undergo maturation with antigen exposure to plasma cells. An important function of plasma cells is to produce immunoglobulins (Igs). A major func tion of immunoglobulins is to act as antibodies. Antibodies help degrade and clear foreign substances by binding to specific microorganisms’ molecules called antigens, a process termed opsonization, and produce specific results including antibody-mediated cellular toxicity and activation of the complement system that destroys foreign cells. There are hundreds of thousands of different B cells in the body at a time, each is capable of producing an immunoglobin specific to a microbe, this arsenal of B cells makes the body capable of mounting an antibody response against nearly every possible virus, bacteria, fungus and protozoa that can be encountered. T cells similarly undergo maturation in peripheral lymphoid organs and the thymus, they produce ‘T cell receptors’ specific to foreign microbes. Activation of T cells requires interaction of the T cell receptor with an antigen-presenting cell; activated T cells are responsible for delayed-type immunity. There are 2 m ain types of T cells: CD4 cells, called T helper cells, which produce cytokines that activate B cells (by IL-4 and IL-5), macrophages (by IFN-gamma) and other immune cells. CD8 cells, also called T cytotoxic cells, destroy cells with intracellular microorganisms such as M. tuberculosis, virus-infected cells, tumor cells and allografts. - Monocyte Monocytes are circulating agranulocytes with a kidney-shaped nucleus. They have two main functions: phagocytosis of microorganisms, and presentation of antigens to T cells to activate the acquired arm of immunity. They are released from the bone marrow and circulate in blood for about 72 hours before migrating into tissues to transform into macrophages to carry out their functions. They have surface receptors that can recognize bacteria, such as Toll-like

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Morality vs. In vitro fertilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Morality vs. In vitro fertilization - Essay Example Although the procedure may indeed benefit the ailing son, it would also bring harm and potential risks to the baby. The manipulation process which would be carried out on the embryo includes personhood qualities which may be lost or destroyed in the process of manipulation (Dane and Finkbeiner, 2007). Even if such harm or risk may not be actually proven in the medical or clinical context, religions and cultural dictates may declare such risks as significant. The scientific and medical way of assessing and declaring the presence of risks cannot be the sole basis for defining harm; â€Å"to do so also would lead to a lack of respect for other religious and cultural beliefs† (Dane and Finkbeiner, 2007, p. 5). In effect, although clinicians may rule out the risk which may be incurred from the procedure as minimal, such risks cannot be overlooked in favor of potential benefits. The justice consideration is also crucial in this discussion. The principle of justice basically sets for th that all people must be given their due. The potential child in this case is being unjustly viewed already not as an individual person, but as a tool – a means to an end. Granting that he was chosen to live for such purpose, justice requires that he be given his due – that of living his life beyond the nefarious purposes of his parents (Hug, 2010).

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Performance Analysis Between Ibsens Play Ghosts and Robert Lepage Blue Essay

Performance Analysis Between Ibsens Play Ghosts and Robert Lepage Blue Dragon - Essay Example Ghosts by Henrik Ibsen Henrik Ibsen is known for his plays that portray issues regarding morality. Ghosts is also one of the plays that represent 19th century morality through its characters. This is a story of a woman Helen Alving who is about to establish an orphanage in the memory of her dead husband. Mrs. Alving consults her spiritual adviser Pastor Manders as well. Throughout the play, Mrs. Alving is seen dealing with different issues related to morality thrown at her from different aspects of life. Mrs. Alving has been trying to save her family from her philandering husband throughout the story. In order to save her son from being corrupted by his father, she sends her away. Her worries double when it is disclosed that her son is suffering from an inherited sexually transmitted disease which cannot be cured. In addition to a large number of moral issues, another issue is raised in the play when Mrs. Alving finds out that her son Oswald has fallen in love with Regina Engstrand, Helen Alving’s maid. The morality comes into question when it is disclosed that Regina is an illegitimate daughter of Captain Alving, thus Oswald’s half-sister. Amid all the problems, Mrs. Alving is occupied in the dilemma of whether or not to euthanize her son as he wishes. Thus, another issue of morality i.e. euthanasia is raised towards the end of the play. Regarding the performance of the play, it was observed that the acting was not psychologically engaged. The actors did not put their heart and mind into bringing the play to life. It felt like a flat delivery of the script and did not have any feel to it. The fact that Ibsen’s script is very strong cannot be denied but in order to show the significance of the play, it has to be acted well as well. Thus, it can be said that the significance of the issues raised by this play were lost somewhere amid the poor acting by the actors. The overall theatrical setting was not impressive as well, as it was observed t hat the theatrical setting required rich context but here it was merely flat which lowered the significance of the play. In some of the scenes, it was observed that the lines were delivered in a flat manner rather than in a dynamic tone. For example; when Manders interrogates Regina, the interrogation seemed reckless and flat rather than being serious and dramatic. The delivery of lines was mostly flat and without any expressions. In order to bring the feel into a play, it is highly important that the lines be delivered in just the manner as intended by the writer otherwise the meaning of the lines may be lost. This was the case with this play where the meaning and significance of the lines were lost amid the lack of expressions by the actors. It was noticed that there was lack of sufficient discussion among the actors before the play. There was no psychological connection between the actors and everyone seemed to deliver his own lines without considering the intensity of the respon se from the opposite actor. It was also observed that actors crashed into one another’s lines. This was the evidence of the fact that there was lack of sufficient practice. The characteristic of a good theatre is that it connects its audience emotionally but this attribute was missing in the overall performance. There were certain bits where the actors emanated feelings such as the grief shown by Oswald upon his condition. The point that was done well was the representation of the tension

Friday, July 26, 2019

Creation of Web Portal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Creation of Web Portal - Essay Example In this regard the adoption and implementation of a web portal is the proposed solution as the most effective way of helping the institute to achieve its vision with the highest efficiency. The analysis of Brisbane Institute of Art reveals that the student population has reduced significantly. Furthermore, the turnover of the institution’s instructors has grown. Therefore, the proposed solution is based on the causes of these problems and intended at proposing the most relevant and appropriate solution for the problems which the institute is facing. The methodology of delivering the solution is the system development lifecycle (SDLC) methodology. This is a methodology of adopting and implanting an information system through which the proposed web portal could be managed and used to increase the effectiveness and functionality of the institute’s organizational processes. Through the SDLC methodology, the web portal will be implemented through stages which prove to be adv antageous because one stage is fully implemented before the next stage is developed (Webner, William & Keating, 2009). The focus of this methodology will be focused at ensuring that the institution membership will be increased through the motivation of the web portal. Effective application of the SDLC will ensure that the analysis of the Brisbane Institute of Art is adequate in the definition of the requirements for the creation of the web portal. Furthermore, this methodology will ensure that the design of the specific components of the web portal including its architecture and platform is congruent with the needs of the clients or users. The application of the system development lifecycle methodology will ensure that the limitations of the already installed systems are analyzed and compared to the requirements of the users of the web portal. The development stage of the web portal will include the purchase of the various hardware and software application requirements. This would a lso be achieved through the development of customized software or outsourcing expertise for the programming and development of the system software applications. Applications such as web browsers and management information systems are developed during the development of the web portal. The development of the web portal will include the execution of various organizational changes so that the current systems would be changed to adapt to the new system or web portal. The web portal is then tested to ensure that it is applicable within the institution and whether it is acceptable by the users. The assumptions which emanate from the process of implementing the web portal include the financial abilities of the organization for the allocation of sufficient resources for the implementation of the new system. The possible constraints in the implementation of the web portal include limitations in time, expertise, the support of the leadership and management and the institutional culture which would be opposed to the implementation of the web portal (Webner, William & Keating, 2009). Nonetheless, it is important that the system is benchmarked in relation to its cost and the related benefits that would be accrued after it is implemented. More significantly, the stakeholders of the Brisbane Institute of Art who include students, the staff members, the management and the instructors should be in support of the web portal as the most effective way of solving operational problems and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Review of Tesco Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words - 1

Review of Tesco Strategy - Essay Example This is mainly due to the presence of numerous rival players, with varying product lines and services. Due to which, the bargaining power of the customers and suppliers is increasing at a rapid pace thereby amplifying the rate of switchover costs. Similarly, the food and beverage retailing segment is the largest and extremely competitive industry in the market of United Kingdom. The prime reason behind it is the presence of numerous existing players such as ASDA, Sainsbury, Tesco Plc and many others. As a result, the retail segment offered approximately 12 percent to gross domestic product (GDP) of the nation that amplified its economic standard and image in the entire globe among others. Apart from this, the retail segment also proved effective in presenting employment to almost 3.5 million educated citizens that reduced the rate of poverty and unemployment significantly. This proved extremely effective for the nation that enhanced its portfolio and equity in the market among others . Tesco Plc is recognised as one of the reputed international grocery and merchandise retailer in the market of United Kingdom. It includes more than 2318 stores in the entire globe comprising of 472000 experienced staffs to assist the customers in their purchases. It has positioned itself as the third largest retailer in the market of United Kingdom thereby comprising of a market share of 40 percent among many other rival contenders. It is mainly due to wide range of product lines such as clothes, electronics, financial services, and telecoms, furniture’s, healthcare products, retailing, pet products, DVD, CD, internet services and many others. Due to which, its total revenue, net income and operating income increased by  £60.93 billion,  £2.67 billion and  £3.87 billion in the year 2010-2011. The company of Tesco Plc mainly operates under the banners, named: Extra, Supermarket, Metro and Express. This essay mainly highlights the strategies implemented by the

Financial Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Financial Analysis - Assignment Example The move have been associated with the recent change plan in the company that has forced customers to pay monthly installments of over twenty months other than offering subsidized phones (Zachariadis, 2014). The installment and the contract plan both present an effect of binding the customers to the carriers. Having a huge number of customers floating without an obligation to the company presents a financial risk since the number of sales will go down. Apart from the customers issues the company is also facing financial risks from competitors such as T-mobile US inc., Sprint corp. and Verizon communication Inc. The three competitors present a financial risk to the company as they compete with AT &T for the available market (Summary for AT&T Inc.- Yahoo! Finance, 2014). The graph below is an income statement of the AT & T Inc. the total revenue of the company has registered improvement as per the information of the last three years. Operating income has also declined with 2013 registering the period when the company utilized a lot of capital as operating capital. Diluted EPS indicate the profit per each share. The company recorded high profit per share in the year 2013 as compared to the two different years (Summary for AT&T Inc.- Yahoo! Finance, 2014). The total revenue of the company increased from $127, 434 to $ 132,447 showing a great improvement that was the highest in the past five years. However, the gross profit recorded a decline from $77,288 to $71,836. The company was able to register the highest gross profit in 2013. However, it is the within the same year that the company utilized the highest amount of money $30,447 as operating income. Additionally, in 2013, the company was able to register a high income amount of around $18,249 with a decrease of up to $ 6,224 in the year 2014. The company also recorded a profit per share

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Establishing & implementing a charitable program in the sport of Essay

Establishing & implementing a charitable program in the sport of equestrian show jumping - Essay Example Background: The world witnessed lately several major natural calamities like the December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami caused by a strong earthquake in Aceh province, Indonesia. It was one of the largest natural disasters in recent memory that claimed the lives of 250,000 in several countries bordering the Indian Ocean and hit as far away as the coasts of Africa. All in all, it adversely affected fourteen countries by destroying tourist sites, tropical beach resorts and altering their way of life because their economies had been greatly devastated. Hurricane Katrina is a very good example also of how even governments with plenty of resources are sometimes ill equipped to deal with victims of natural disasters due to some bureaucratic red tape that hinders rapid responses to pleas for help and assistance. There are other such as disasters such as the massive earthquakes to have hit countries like Haiti which hit January 12, 2010 and in Chile last February 27, 2010 with the latest to be hit was China on April 14, 2010 in the northern province of Qinghai near Tibet. There are also many cases of man-made disasters due to environmental degradation causing massive flooding, landslides, soil erosion resulting to poor agricultural productivity and siltation of river systems. Perhaps the worst kind of man-made calamity is that one caused by armed conflicts in which mostly civilian populations became victims of forced displacement. Children, old men and women often huddle in temporary camps without adequate food, water and shelter. Most cases of these conflicts are in Africa such as the Darfur Crisis in Sudan resulting in 300,000 deaths and 3 million people forced to leave their homes and live in squalid camp conditions. It is a human tragedy of untold dimensions in modern times but also totally preventable if all its warring parties had come to the negotiating table ready to make compromises. There are still many such on-going conflicts in Africa today which are

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

English sparkling wine - branding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

English sparkling wine - branding - Essay Example This is a product whose value is augmented by the long periods of standing and fermentation. At the same time, the price is apt enough to stand along the Champagnes using the price advantage. This is creating a brand value for the product. These wines are thus, more affordable and the increased rate of consumption is thus, justified. This growth is also reflected in the returns, which have seen more than 50 percent hike in the last 5 years (Skelton, 2008). The products from English Sparkling wine have won appreciation and awards from many Wine luminaries. These have been on the wine reward and recognition radar from even the ‘90s. The brands received awards such as International Wine and Spirits Awards, Decanter World Wine Awards, Del Mondo World Sparkling Wine Championships and so on (Skelton, 2009). The rewards have thus acknowledged the brand and dealt with the promotion aspect. The health implications of alcoholic drinks such as Champagne, are making the customers switch to safer options. This has also contributed to the promotion of the English Sparkling Wine. This has also influenced the wine choices of the 25-34 year age groups, who form the largest segment of wine patrons (Bainbridge, 2012). The English Sparkling Wine brewers are trying to create a label for themselves (‘Britagne’ is one such suggestion), so that they can be differentiated from the other popular sparkling wine brands. Export promotion is also on their anvil to ensure the viability of the brand (Brown,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Partnership for Lebanon and Cisco Systems Essay Example for Free

Partnership for Lebanon and Cisco Systems Essay The â€Å"Partnership for Lebanon and Cisco Systems† case study discusses a project developed after the war in Lebanon in July of 2006. After the war, President George W. Bush urged 5 U. S. based companies to partner together to help with the reconstruction efforts in Lebanon, including Cisco systems (led by John Chambers), Intel corp. (led by Craig Barrett), Ghafari Inc. (led by Yousif Ghafari), Occidental Petroleum (led by Dr. Ray Irani), and Microsoft (led by Steve Balmer). The partnership of these 5 successful U. S. companies formed the Partnership for Lebanon, or the PFL, for which a woman named Salam Yamout was appointed as project manager (Jimali, 2011). Upon the formation of the PFL in 2006, the leaders met at the Paris III donor conference with Fuad Seniora, the Lebanese prime Minister, to discuss and develop the key goals that would need to be achieved in the Lebanese reconstruction efforts, and to map out the main initiatives of the PFL (Jimali, 2011). With a primary focus on efficient and productive communities and advancement opportunities for the Lebanese people, they developed the following 5 key objectives for which they made significant progress over the next three years: 1. Emergency Relief and Response: The first of the 5 key objectives, emergency relief and response, was essential to establishing a sense of security among the Lebanese people following the war. From 2006 through 2009, the PFL helped more than 1000 families to rebuild their homes, and helped many communities to resettle. This was a first step toward rebuilding the infrastructure and public society needed for economic and workforce growth (Jimali, 2011). The PFL also rebuilt 10 youth and IT centers, complete with computer labs and Internet technology, providing a training center for over 1400 young people in Lebanon and rehabilitated the schools that stood in the areas most affected by the war, focusing on school safety, quality of student life, and Information Communication Technology (ICT) training (Jimali, 2011). Finally, in order to reduce continued casualties, the PFL trained and certified two dogs to detect landmines, a $65,000 effort that likely saved lives and increased the mobility of the Lebanese people. 2. Job Creation/Private Sector renewal: The next key objective of the PFL was to increase the number of available jobs in Lebanon, particularly in the private sector. Much of the focus on this initiative was suggested by Cisco leader John Chambers, who, in a visit to the American University of Beirut, was affected by the number of highly educated, multi-lingual Lebanese young people who would look for employment opportunities outside of Lebanon immediately following graduation. Noting the emigration of the most capable young workers as a significant obstacle to the future prosperity of the Lebanese people, Chambers suggested the job creation be made a top priority. As a top global leader in the Information Communication Technology industry, Cisco took the lead by developing a $1 million grant program called the â€Å"CREDIT† program, which they used to deliver 133 loans to businesses specializing in ICT (Jimali, 2011). Furthermore, in order to provide learning opportunities for Lebanese businesses, the PFL developed the Executive Mentorship Program, which matched successful U. S. businesses with leaders of Lebanese businesses. 3. Developing ICT infrastructure: As part of the PFL’s job creation efforts, Cisco also took the lead in developing a sustainable Information Communication Technology infrastructure. The first step toward this was to expand broadband service to all rural and urban areas. By partnering with the Lebanese Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (TRA), the PFL developed a long-term strategy for expanding broadband service, which began with the development of several new Internet exchange points and an International Internet gateway. 4. Workforce Training ICT education: Finally in workforce development, the PFL set out to create private sector job opportunities for the uneducated Lebanese population. By creating professional training programs and ICT education, a basic infrastructure targeted at building a middle-class could be developed. The PFL made several achievements in this area, including using high-speed broadband connections to connect 50 public schools to the Ministry of Education, providing online learning materials, sponsoring and ICT/life skills youth summer camp program, placing interns in Lebanese businesses, and helping to integrate ICT programs in Lebanese schools (Jimali, 2011). 5. Developing connected communities and connected governments: The final PFL objective sought to develop connected communities throughout Lebanon. A major stride in this objective involved developing ICT centers where people without broadband capabilities could go to stay connected through variety of Medias. In addition to developing 10 of these ICT centers, the PFL also enabled 5 full-service community access points that were affected by the war (Jimali, 2011). CSR Lessons There are several key strategic lessons that the PFL learned throughout their efforts in Lebanon concerning the creation and implementation of development programs, particularly those that would be able to be adopted by any senior manager. Perhaps the most important strategic lesson was that a targeted, overall objective must be developed in order to maintain the highest likelihood of success. Instead of developing a wide spectrum of initiatives to help rebuild Lebanon, Cisco and the other PFL partners focused on ICT as a means for rebuilding infrastructure and developing economic and educational opportunities for the Lebanese people. By developing this focused mission, Cisco avoided wasting time and resources or putting a great deal of input into unrelated initiatives that may or may not have had beneficial results. Furthermore, by developing a single mission that was within their expertise, Cisco was able to make valuable contributions in a vital area and thus maximize their impact. The PFL recognized that it could not solve all of Lebanon’s problems, but by developing a set of initiatives that Cisco and partnering companies felt well equipped to address, they were able to develop a plan within the ICT industry where it could make a measurable impact (Jimali, 2011). Another key strategic lesson learned by the PFL was that a thorough situational analysis is essential to developing an effective restructuring campaign. This is a lesson that is relevant to any rebuilding efforts, whether it is for a nation, a corporation, or a nonprofit organization. By conducting a detailed situational analysis, Cisco as able to analyze which objectives would create opportunities in Lebanon and how Lebanese government organizations, businesses, and communities would utilize various initiatives. Cisco’s thorough analysis allowed them to develop an effective methodology for implementing various programs, as well as to gain government cooperation and support throughout the process. This analysis also provided Cisco with insight regarding which support and resources they would need to ensure success and therefore allowed them to gather the support they needed before beginning the process in order to produce the fastest and more effective results. John Chambers, Cisco CEO, said, â€Å"In September, we visited Lebanon and we saw a country that can achieve many of the goals itself, but with the proper assistance can achieve them at a much faster pace and rebuild the country for the future, not just rebuild back to where they were before. † (Cisco CSR Report, 2009). Lastly, an essential strategic lesson learned by the PFL concerning the implementation and running of development programs was that a change process must be developed in carefully planned incremental steps, beginning with the development of the infrastructure needed to prepare for the next step. This is especially important for ensuring that the strategy can be adopted by any senior manager, because it allows for a step-by-step map of development that allows managers to build upon previous initiatives. Cisco, Corporate Sponsors, and PFL Because of its expertise in this area and its long-time commitment to investing in community sustainability, Cisco was an effective leader in the PFL’s objectives, providing valuable insight on how to encourage job creation that would continue to evolve over time. Cisco is a leading organization in global networking and communications technology, and was the creator of the multi-protocol router, which revolutionized Internet communications. A company worth $550 billion in 2000, Cisco’s success has been attributed to a focus on customer need that was so targeted that they did not commit to any specific technology and were willing to change in whatever way they needed in order to meet their customers need. It was this willingness to adapt as well as Cisco’s commitment to community and economic investments that made Cisco the right leader for the PFL’s goals. Cisco’s CSR initiatives had always been designed in a way that sought to add value to the organization through strategically planned initiatives and to leverage the company’s core competence and sustainability levels in a way that provided clear and measurable outputs. Cisco also took a lead in the PFL’s educational and professional training programs, which provided crucial career opportunities for the Lebanese people. The Challenge of Sustainability Despite the successful implementation of the PFL initiatives from 2006 through 2009, in September of 2009, PLF project manager Salam Yamout expressed concern to her manager, George Akiki regarding the long-term sustainability of the PLF initiatives. She said, â€Å"The PFL has undoubtedly been successful across the 5 work streams, and has infused much needed resources, support and hope in a context of post-war devastation, but the key question haunting me now is how to sustain this impact into the future. † (Jimali, 2011). Akiki agreed, and thus the question of how Lebanon could sustain the development initiated by the PLF without the generous management and resource contributions of Cisco and PLF partners. While the sustainability challenges faced by the PLF may seem daunting, the educational and job training programs developed by the program can be designed to be self-supporting, these programs, if continued and managed by competent leaders, can allow Lebanon’s ICT related programs to continue to prepare Lebanese people for good jobs. The first step to maintaining these programs is to gather investors from both within Lebanon and from the International community, particularly those who benefit from the increased educational and professional opportunities in the Middle East. Moreover, if the Lebanese government is able to recognize the benefit hat a more vibrant ICT community can offer to the economy, a system of public funding can be developed. Furthermore, if individuals who are trained through these programs can be offered incentives to remain within the program as educators, the programs can become self-sustaining through generations. Conclusion Cisco and the partners that formed the PLF provide an example of an efficient program for utilizing the specific expertise and resources of one industry to enact positive change on a community in desperate need of rebuilding. Their thorough analysis, clear-cut mission, and careful planning in an area that they were well resources in, allowed for an extremely effective rebuilding process. Moreover, Cisco provided a valuable framework for how with productive partnerships and effective leadership, successful organizations can help to address societal problems in a way that adds value to both the community involved and the partnering organizations. Too often, today’s conversation regarding CSR presents in if/or debate, as if companies must choose between economic value and ethical value. The economic argument suggests that corporations are obligated only to shareholders, and that investments made in activities that do not directly maximize profits are irresponsible, while the ethical argument suggests that because corporations benefit from the people and infrastructure of communities, they are obligated to make investments in those communities (Bansal, 2005). However, a modern view of CSR suggests that there is a middle ground where economics and ethics can converge to create longer term sustainable value. Cisco’s participation in the PLF program is an example of this middle ground. In its participation in the PLF program, Cisco expanded its influence in a part of the world where they previously had little reach, thus creating added value to their organization while addressing significant societal problems.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Importance of Youth Sports | Essay

Importance of Youth Sports | Essay Sports as an activity can be traced back to the earliest existence of human beings, for as long as they have been active and sportive. It is a great way for people to master the benefits of nature and their surrounding or environment for that matter. By studying the history of sports, we can learn about the social changes that man has gone through in the past as well as the transformations that sports in itself has undergone. These changes are mostly evidenced in the changes of the rules that govern the various sporting activities as well as in the manner in which they are played. It involves the development and exercise of natural human talents and skills as opposed to exercising them for their importance. Sports has mainly been a preserve of those in their youth as that is the point at which one still has the strength, agility, mindset and the motivation to be actively involved in it. In most sporting activities, one is said to be at their prime in their youth. Sports can be broadly categorized as either team sports or individual sports. Team sports include soccer, basketball, netball, hockey, baseball, volleyball among others. Individual sports include games like badminton, tennis, squash, table tennis, darts, scrabble, and chess among others. The other classification of sporting activities can be physical or non-physical. The physical sports are those that require movement of the body muscles for which fitness is of the essence. Majority of sports fall in this category. Non-physical sports include board games like chess, draft, scrabble among others; these are mostly played in the mind but nevertheless are still sports. All over the world, sporting activities have provided great entertainment for audiences. The 2006 FIFA football world cup in Germany alone had a cumulative television audience of 26.29 billion in-home and 2.1 billion out –of-home viewers ( Football is not in this category alone, sports like basketball, baseball and other mainstream sports have been known to have a lot of their tournaments declared sold out due to over subscription by fans intent on going to watch their favorite players thrash their opponents. The entertainment provided by these sporting activities ensures people spend their free time progressively instead of wasting it on activities that will in the end not add any value to their lives. Sports among the youth is a key factor that has been noted to promote prosocial characteristic traits among individuals. According to Bar-Tal, (1976) and Bierhoff, (2002), prosocial are positive forms of social behavior that are not motivated by personal obligations, rather they are voluntary and they have positive results. These include; cooperation, sharing, respect, altruism and many others (Larrieu Mussen, 1986). Sports among the youth is therefore a very important tool through which individuals, especially the antisocial ones can hone their social skills through interaction with their team mates as well as the opposing players. Through this interaction, ones communication skills are also enhanced and developed and these are acquisitions that will benefit the individual later on in life. Obesity has reached worrying proportions and this is a particular concern to health experts especially since this is caused by an increased rate of inactivity among the youth (National Institute of Health, n.d.; World Health Organization, 2000). According to Storm Jenkins, (2002), the childhood obesity rates which currently stand at approximately 15% are an increase of over 40% through the past 40 years. Childhood obesity is not only a cause of health problems at the present in the form of Type II diabetes but due to its relation to adult obesity, these individuals are likely to become struggling adults with obesity if they do not change their sedentary lifestyles. By engaging in sports activities especially for the purposes of having fun, these children will not only enjoy themselves but they will also have the added advantage of working their way to a better lifestyle that will improve their health. Youths who engage in sporting activities are encouraged to learn good sportsmanship qualities and by learning these they also get to familiarize with the five Cs of positive youth development. These five Cs are; competence, confidence, connection, compassion caring, and character. These are important life tools and skills that any growing and developing youth need in order to be able to relate with his juniors, peers as well as seniors well. They enable the individual to grow into a respectable adult capable of making wise decisions that will positively influence not only himself but also those around him. Through sports, one acquires the confidence to tackle the obstacles that life throws at him having become accustomed to challenges from various types of opponents. Sports among the youth are a good way of passing free time. According to health organizations, there is a growing trend of moral decadence among the youth which is leading to very promising lives being wasted due to drugs. Most of these drug activities are carried out due to individuals having a lot of idle time in which they do not participate in any physical activities, as a result, they resort to destructive drug habits. Case studies have shown that most of the youth who engage in sporting activities have a much lower likelihood to engage in drug activities as it interferes with their performance on the fields and at the same time, especially for those interested in pursuing sports as careers, it us likely to cut short their dreams. Sports therefore acts as a deterrent from drugs. Careers have been developed through sports. In the early 90s, one of the most popular individuals all over the world was Michael Jordan, and it was not because of his ever shining bald head. Jordan possessed dribbling skills that mad non-sports enthusiasts feel like they should get off their couches and go â€Å"shoot some hoops†. Basketball was Michael Jordans career, and he enjoyed it because later in an interview, he calmly stated that he was having fun since he was getting paid to do his hobby. Currently there are millions of athletes who have turned into millionaires simply by engaging in activities that they once considered hobbies. They are earning even more than some of the employees on Wall Street. Sports can therefore end up providing the youth with a way of fending for themselves in this world where white collar jobs have become scarce and the manual jobs are being constantly replaced by technology. Careers can therefore be created through sports. Sports does not only create employment opportunities for the participants, off the field, there are team managers, tacticians, fitness experts, dietary advisors and a whole lot of other experts who benefit from the youths involvement in sports. Jobs are created for grounds men who have to ensure football pitches have been watered to the required standards, the referees, umpires and other officials whose duty it is to ensure that the rules and regulations governing the various games are followed, and to ensure that order is maintained. Psychologists are also at hand to provide in depth analysis of the reasons why various actions are taken by various individuals. Medical practitioners make killings by bringing in products, albeit illegal, that can help athletes to improve their performances in their various sports. These are just a few of the beneficiaries of youth engaging in sports, but it is therefore true to say youth and sports are employers to very many individuals all over the w orld. Some individuals, especially the introverts have problems associating with people, they would rather stay within their shells and remain alone. When these people engage in sports, they may end up being so excellent in them and that would provide them with a sort of an identity which they can be proud of. These individuals will have a common ground with which they can socialize and that helps them open up to the rest. It is not unusual to find people for whom when they have problems, they run, not to their families first, but to their teammates. They get a sense of belonging there and that makes sports a big player in fostering relations and creating environments in which people can socialize. This is also true for people who may not have anything in common, except love for a particular team or sports and they form friendship since they meet at the venue of the game on regular basis. Many life long friendships have been formed in football stands. Having the youth participate in sports provides them with the necessary experiences that they can apply to great benefit later in life. In sports, one comes face to face with the realities of life that includes success and victory, shame, failure and defeat. Disappointments are common and these are important things that one has to get used to. Life is not a one way street to success and these experiences provide one with the foundation on which to base future decisions. One learns important lessons like how to react to failure and how to survive without giving up in the face of adversity, how to celebrate victories without making opponents feel like they are worthless, how to hang on and give your best to your team even though they may not be having a great day, and how to console teammates after losing an emotional game. These and others make people bond together into a tight knit unit that appreciates every individuals strengths and weaknesses. Sports makes people to appreciate the fact that not all humans are perfect and people make errors, the important thing is how to put those errors in the pat and move on without getting scarred for life, and those are lessons learnt from sports. Sports therefore touch the lives of people, spectators and players alike and create bonds among them that are impenetrable even in difficult times. It is common to see players cry when a teammate gets injured or is no longer going to continue playing with them, the outside world may know the players strengths on the field, but it is the teammates who train daily with him who know his contribution both on and off the field. Playing in sports involves taking risks and being able to live with the consequences. One will have to make certain decisions without knowing how the opponent will react, but he shall go forward nevertheless with the decision and hope the opponent swallows his bait. This makes individuals better prepared for the situations that they will be involved in later on in life that may require them to make decisions without being aware of the consequences. Athletes are also usually under the advice of their coaches and managers who have a say in the decisions they make. Sports therefore makes individuals obey authority and this moulds them into responsible adults who have fear and respect to authority. This makes the society a better place to live in as people are surrounded by individuals who are not self serving, but care how the outcome of their actions will impact on the society around them. When engaging in sports that are physical in nature, an individual has to be in shape and physical fitness will be a quality that will determine winners and losers. The fitness expectations will make an individual to live a healthy lifestyle, eating healthy foods, doing physical activities that will better make them able to compete well. Sport s therefore encourages healthy lifestyles among the youth and leads to the development of a better society of healthy people. Games also need individuals to analyze their opponents and develop tactics with which to beat them having discovered their weaknesses. At the same time one will know how to use their strength to their advantage and how to use it to cover their weaknesses. Therefore individuals will learn how to strategize and overpower opponents, skills that are necessary for survival not only in the competition but in the world as well. Sports is a great way of bringing people together and spreading the messages of goodwill. The world is currently faced with a situation where no single race is social or dominant in a given sport, many other individuals are coming up to challenge the status quo and this may not go right with certain individuals who are of the opinion that their races are superior. Therefore sports is increasingly being used as a way of encouraging people to live and associate together in harmony and to shun evils such as racism. Sports is also being used to pass messages of peace among humans. These make it important among the youth as it makes them understand the issues that are unfolding before them in a language they can relate to. Among the youth, sports is also being used as a tool for reaching out to the less fortunate. It is very common to hear of tournaments organized to raise funds towards certain causes like helping victims of hurricane disasters, tsunamis among others. Sports therefore acts as a way in which the youth can use what they have in the form of their talents to give back to the society that has helped mould them into who they are. Very many children are growing up and are in need of role models to give them something to look forward to. Outstanding sports personalities are usually great role models for such children in that from most of them come stories of winning a struggle. Most successful athletes either came from very humble backgrounds or had to struggle in the face of adversity in order to make it to where they are. There are also others who may not have had it so rough in the beginning, but still had to go through experiences in their lives which would have made them give up their dreams. Instead they took the bull by the horn and confronted their fears and are today great in whatever they do, providing an inspiration to the billions in need of it in the world. Sports thus provide the role models to give the motivation for others to pursue their dreams and ambitions. References Bierhoff, H.W. (2002). Prosocial behavior. New York: Taylor Francis. Bar-Tal, D. (1976). Prosociabehavior: Theory and research. Washington, D.C.: Hemsphere. Larrieu, J., Mussen, P. (1986). Some personality and motivational correlates of childrens prosocial behavior. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 147(4), 529-542. World Health Organization. (2000). Obesity: Preventing and managing the global epidemic. Geneva: Author. About Fifa; TV Data. Retrieved on 10th October 2009 From Storm, H., Jenkins, M. (2002). Go girl: Raising healthy, confident, and successful girls through sports. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks. Mary Sara Wells, Skye G. Arthur-Banning, Karen P. Paisley, Gary D. Ellis, Mark F. Roark and Sara Fisher Journal of Park and Recreation Administration Spring 2008 Volume 26, Number 1 pp. 1-21; Good (Youth) Sports: Using Benefits-Based Programming to Increase Sportsmanship Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (1996). Physical activity and health: A report of the surgeon general. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Perkins, D. F., Jacobs, J. E., Barber, B. L., Eccles, J. S. (2004). Childhood and adolescent sports participation as predictors of participation in sports and physical fitness activities during young adulthood. Youth and Society, 35(4), 495–520. Escobedo, Stryer, B. K., Tofler, I. R., Lapchick, R. (1998). A developmental overview of child and youth sports in society. Sports Psychiatry, 7, 697–711. Smith, R.E., SmoU, F.L. (1996). Way to go, Coach!: A scientifically validated approach to, coaching effectimness. Portola Valley, CA: Warde Publishers. Smoll, F.L., : Smith, R.E. (1989). Leadership behaviors in sport: A conceptual model and Research paradigm. Journal of Applied Sodal Psychology, 19, 1522-1551. SmoU, F.L., Smith, R.E. (Eds.). (1996). Children and youth in sport: A biopsychosocini perspective. Dubuque, lA: McGraw-Hill

Life In The Information Age

Life In The Information Age I am going to write about how ICT has changed the way people live over the years. I am going to write about the difference it has made using different sections such as: Education: you can now learn online. For example the University of Phoenix offers an online service where you can obtain a degree qualification while learning online. Entertainment: you can view the latest video content or listen to any type of music on the net. Banking and shopping: you can now shop online without moving from your home. Decision making: Websites on the internet have influenced some decisions people make. This may also include discussions on the internet. Crime and Crime prevention: Computers have databases that contain loads of information about people and present or past convictions they have had. I am going to write about how ICT has changed education amongst students Education I am going to write about how the use of ICT has changed the way people educate themselves. There are many websites where people of all age groups can access information and revision notes about subjects they are studying. A very popular site that boasts many revision notes and features many quizzes to test your knowledge of the subjects you are studying is the BBC website. The internet is not the only tool people use to educate themselves since ICT has been around. People also use the generic tools of the computer such as spreadsheets, word processors and many other generic tools. People use these tools to create essays and databases. These are basic skills to be learnt by all students in education. This is why ICT has taken such a huge part in the education of most students. Most jobs now require people with basic ICT skills. ICT has not only affected education but has become a way of life for some people. There are now interactive whiteboards that are used in school. In stead of the old classic whiteboards these are connected to a laptop or pc and the screen displayed on the pc is then displayed on a huge whiteboard. You can then use the white board and pc along with other installed applications and write on it how you would on a normal white board. The new interactive white boards are like the normal white boards but with a touch screen type of technology that lets you write on it and edit it in any way you want. I think the interactive whiteboards have helped teachers educate children and have gone a long way when considering ICT amongst education. When it comes to using ICT in education there can be many advantages and disadvantages. Whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages you can decide for yourself after reading some of the information below. The advantages of using ICT within education: You can learn new skills You can access unlimited amount of research Increases confidence as use of ICT gets better Regular use and experience of ICT outside the classroom Easier to control a class room Easier to help with planning lessons and assisting children Could possibly make lessons more fun Enhances future career opportunities The disadvantages of using ICT within education: Difficulties in using hardware Difficulties in using the basic computer Needs lots of technical support Very expensive Expensive to use regularly Could possibly make lessons less fun Can take a very long time to load and use which reduces lesson time This is a graph of the most frequently used type of ICT in a secondary school. This is a pie chart showing where ICT is used most in schools. As you can see secondary schools use ICT more than anyone else. This pie chart was created in 1999 so it may be slightly different as it is not up to date. I personally think a lot more people now use a higher rate of ICT in sixth form. This pie chart and the graph above came from the website: Interview on how ICT has affected education How long have you been teaching ICT and to what age group do you teach it? Have you found that ICT has made teaching easier? Could you imagine teaching without the use of ICT? How do you think ICT will progress within the next ten years? Do you feel that providing internet to students in schools could be potentially dangerous? In conclusion I think ICT has had a very high impact on education within any age group and has helped most teachers educate children. It does have its disadvantages but overall I feel that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and ICT has had a very high impact on education amongst most students. Now I am going to write about how ICT has changed the entertainment industry Entertainment I am going to write about how ICT has changed the entertainment industry. You can now access an unlimited amount of videos or music files along with many other types of entertainment on the internet. The internet allows you to download files but the tools on the actual computer such as the windows media player is what actually allows you to play the files. Nearly every search engine on the internet (yahoo, AltaVista) now has a section titled video. Clicking on this section allows you to watch many types of videos on the internet. All you have to do is enter a few keywords about the types of video you would like to watch. Below is a screenshot of Yahoo video. Video is not the only type of entertainment online. On the web you now also have access to an unlimited amount of mp3 or music files. There are many sites where you can listen to music and there are many sites where you can download mp3 files off the internet. A site where you can listen to any type of music is A very popular site where you can download any type of song you want is Napster offers customers a huge variety of old and new songs at a fixed monthly price. Once you have subscribed and paid you can then just download the music files to your own computer and use them any way you like. ICT has not only affected entertainment in the form of mp3 files and videos. You can now view some of the most recent television programmes on the internet. You can even catch the first episode of a new and upcoming series on the internet before it is even shown on national television. ICT has affected the way people entertain themselves in both positive and negative ways. You can now download search engines on to your computer such as kazaa or lime wire which allows you to illegally download files which you do not have to pay for. These sites are causing a huge problem to other sites such as Napster because they offer music downloads completely free but they are illegal. People that are caught downloading from these search engines can be prosecuted severely. This is what causes ICT to become a huge disadvantage when it comes to entertainment in the form of downloading media off the internet. You can use kazaa and lime wire to download files straight to your main CPU and save them and use them in any way you like. This will also put the IPOD companies out of business because instead off paying to download files to transfer them onto your IPOD you can just simply download them files for free off lime wire. As a whole ICT has changed the way people entertain themselves dramatically. Years ago if a person wanted to read a book they would attend the library and get a book from there. If you would like to read a book now you can simply read an e-book of the internet which is like a type of electrical book that you can read off the internet. This has also caused a disadvantage as there is now a huge decline in the use of library facilities. The guardian online has recorded that form the year 2001 to 2003 they have lost 10,000 users of the Dunbar library. Their main losses are students that have now turned to ICT to research about their subjects instead of using the library like they use to. Libraries have tried to counteract against this by placing computers within the libraries. Over all ICT has advantages and disadvantages when being used for entertainment. IT plays a huge factor in many peoples social life as they now use the computer for many tasks such as listening to music or watching videos. This can be thought of as a positive way of using ICT but for the companies out there trying to sell music and videos or the libraries out there trying to pull in students so they can research there, ICT has affected them in a negative way. Now I am going to write about how ICT has affected shopping and banking. Shopping and Banking ICT has severely affected how people shop and use their banks. You can now literally buy everything and anything online. All the huge supermarkets such as Tesco and ASDA all now have an online site where you can purchase all of their products. Below is a screenshot of the homepage of ASDA online shopping When you are surfing the ASDA website you will find that there are a whole range of products similar to the ones you will actually find in the actual ASDA supermarket. There are also special offers available to the customer when shopping online which are not normally offered when Not only has ICT has affected the way you shop it has also affected the way you handle your money within banks. You can now check your bank details on the internet. Below is the Barclays website You have a number of different options to choose from. You can check your bank account balance or even create a portfolio with all your personal banking details. So instead of attending the bank like you would normally you can now do nearly everything from the comfort of your own home. Online banking and shopping is to be done at your own risk. There are various risks you are taking when making these transactions online. explains how there is a new virus that can capture peoples details when they are making a transaction online. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The Bugbear computer virus which has left transactions and passwords potentially open to hacking is the latest scandal to hit the internet.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  This was taken from Online banking and shopping has many advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of shopping online are: You do not have to move from the comfort of your own home Shopping is delivered and is hassle free You can shop at on any day and at any time you like There are sometimes special offers that are only available on the internet site and not the actual shop. The disadvantages of shopping online are: Items ordered may not be correct Items might not be delivered on time Incorrect fee may be charged for the product Fraudulent people or companies can capture your details and misuse them The advantages of banking online are: You do not have to move from the comfort of your own home You can use the service anytime you like There are special offers available such as a higher interest rate when opening a new account online The disadvantages of banking online are: Fraudulent people or companies can capture your details and misuse them Your privacy may be disrupted and people may be able to read your bank details Over all shopping and banking online does have its advantages and disadvantages, whether people choose to use this service is up to them. I personally feel that shopping and banking online are too much hassle for me and the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. Now I am going to write about the way ICT has changed crime and helped prevent crime Crime and crime prevention This is another topic where ICT has helped in a huge way. The government now have many systems up and running that allow them to constantly see what is going on around them. Most of these systems are controlled and operated using ICT. The most popular type of security system that the government use is called CCTV. CCTV stands for close circuit television. There are many uses for CCTV: Monitoring traffic from a bridge A temporary system to carry out a traffic survey in a town centre Hidden in buses to control vandalism Hidden in shops to prevent theft or violence Hidden within banks to stop fraud or theft Personal security within your own home The list is almost endless but as you can see has a huge impact on nearly everything in everyday life. The camera records the footage while the monitor displays it. Some systems can record what has happened previously and play it back for future reference.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The cruel princess :: essays research papers

Essay Question: After days and nights of anguished deliberation", the princess makes her decision of what door she will direct the young man to. What do you think her decision is? Explain, using evidence from the story, to support your opinion. The only crime of the young man was that he loved the princess. Just because of this he was forced to play the game of life and death by the barbaric, uncivilized king who never valued human lives. The king's method of trying criminal was that he had two doors in an arena and behind one door there was a hungry, savage tiger and behind the other a woman picked by him. If the accused person opened the door with the tiger, he was eaten. If he opened the door with the lady - he had to marry her with out any complaints. The accused young man had to depend on the princess's decision, who could've saved the young man's life by telling him which door to open. I think the princess directed the young man to the door of death. The princess that we are talking about was the daughter of the king, so it is easy to see that barbarism was in her blood. She knew the woman that the king picked for the young man and she hated her. The princess believed that the woman that was picked was trying to have an affair with the young man from the begining and the princess never wanted something like this to happen. If she cann't even see the young man talking to some other woman then how can she watch him get married with some one who she hated? To the princess it was not a question of saving the young man from the jaws of death, it was about her own win.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The World of Technical and Professional Writing Essay -- Ethics Morals

The World of Technical and Professional Writing As technical writing grows into a more common discipline, complicated questions concerning ethical standards seem to present themselves more frequently. Much of what is written by a technical writer will need to appeal to individuals of varying situational backgrounds, and in this day of intense political correctness and moral responsibility, it is important to remember the ethical and other cultural issues associated with writing for diverse groups of people. Perhaps the foremost ethical question that presents itself to technical writers revolves around the question â€Å"What makes a piece of writing acceptable to one’s audience?† On the surface, this is a seemingly uncomplicated thought. Unfortunately, however, it is one that few professional writers attempt to answer. This question can be approached by remembering that the ultimate goal of any form of writing is to spark an interest in the reader that will cause she or he to want to follow the writer’s thoughts to the end of the work. One way to ensure that the audience will remain attentive is to refrain from offending those who have expressed a desire to read your words. This issue is largely a matter of ethics and one that can harm or assist one’s career in technical writing. Alienation of one’s audience defeats the purpose of the work that accompanied the research and writing of the text in the first place. If technical writers sim ply exercise empathy and remember a few ethical and commonsensical ideas, they will find themselves far more successful in their chosen field. When examining the ethical issues involved in the rapidly growing field of technical writing, it may be helpful to beg... factors a technical writer should consider, as he or she wants to be certain that what is written comes across to the audience in the spirit in which it was intended. As one can see, ethics are an integral aspect of this field. Their careful observation will certainly help to ensure the dignity of technical writers, as well as the profession itself, for many years to come. Works Cited Anderson, Paul V. â€Å"Simple Gifts: Ethical Issues in the Conduct of Person-Based Composition Research." College Composition and Communication 49.1 (1998): 63-87. Pearsall, Thomas E., Donald H. Cunningham, and Elizabeth O. Smith. How to Write for the World of Work. 6th Ed. Fort Worth: Harcourt, 2000. Pickett, Nell Ann, Ann A. Laster, and Katherine E. Staples. Teaching English: Writing, Reading and Speaking. 8th Ed. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, 2001.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Clan X :: Essays Papers

Clan X There's a new kid at school, his name is Leigh, he thinks he is such a big shot-know all. When he rocked up at school on his very first day, he tried to do a fancy bunny-hop on his crappie, smashed up old bike and stacked it. It was hilarious, especially when he tried to get back on. He just fell straight over it again and broke three of his spokes and started to cry. He walked around school the entire week, showing off in front of everyone, telling them how good he was, trying so hard to be everyone's friend, but we made sure nobody liked him. We were part of a Clan I started called Clan-X. My gang members were: Rene, Grant, Mark, Trent, Tim, Daimien and myself, Cameron. We basically just pushed people around for kicks. Usually people that were half our size and walked around by themselves. We liked to blow up people's letter boxes the most, usually just at random. Whenever any new kids came to our school, we used to tease and make fun of them, so they felt unwelcome and had no fri ends. Usually they left the school, we loved it when they did that. Anyway, back to the story... On Friday afternoon, just after school, we were all walking home talking about how much of a loser this new guy was. By the time we got to the end of the street, we had all agreed that we should do something totally outrageous to his cat because he had been bragging about it all week. On Saturday, we all met up at the local park and brought along little tools which we thought might come in handy for this sinister exercise. Grant and Rene brought some rope and a switch-blade. Trent and Mark brought a bottle of methylated spirits and some matches. Tim and Daimien brought a voice scrambler and a mobile phone and I brought some explosives, which I got from the local markets. We thought about what we were going to actually do. Finally, I stood up and said, "Okay, First, I will jump Leigh's back fence and grab the cat. I'll take Tim and Daimien with me just in case I can't find it. Grant and Rene can then tie it up to a tree and cut it's whiskers off. Then Trent and Mark can saturate it with methylated spirits, (making sure not to drown it, as we want it to burn alive).

Blind Date Script Essay

â€Å"Far From The Madding Crowd† Blind Date Script. Graham: It’s Blind Date! And here is your host, Miss Cilla Black! Cilla: Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Blind Date. In a moment we’ll be meeting the lucky lady who gets to pick from one of these gorgeous guys! So, let’s meet the boys! So, hello number 1; what’s your name and where do you come from? Bo: Good Evening, Cilla. My name is William Boldwood, and I am from Weatherbury. C: Nice to meet you, William. So tell everyone a bit about yourself. Bo: Well, Cilla, I am a 42 year old bachelor, I own a large farm, and†¦. I’m incredibly wealthy! C: And, I understand, correct me if I’m wrong love, that you have had a nasty experience involving a Valentine’s card? Bo: That is correct, Cilla. I once received a Valentine’s card through in the mail, and I had no idea who the sender was. I was a little afraid, you see, it could have been anything. So, I erm, placed it on my mantelpiece. Well, then I couldn’t stop thinking of it, so I stared at it for quite some time. C: How long for, love? Bo: For a matter of days, Cilla. C: Oh dear. Well I for one am always scared when the postman comes, I mean, when them bills get posted through my door I know I’m too terrified to open them for a week! C: Alright love, well, best of luck tonight, and please don’t be scared of the date cards if you’re picked ’cause we’ve only got so long, you know. Okay, number two, what’s your name and where do you come from? T: Hello, Cilla, my love, my name’s Frank Troy and I’m from Weatherbury too! C: Hiya Frank. Tell us all a bit about yourself, love. T: Well, I’m 31, I’m a Sergeant in the Army, so I travel a lot, and I enjoy sword fighting, so I spend a lot of my spare time practising that, and, I’m quite skilled if I may say so myself. C: Oh really? Come on, then. Show us some moves! (Troy shows off with sword techniques). C: Wow, I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of that lot! Eh, thanks very much love, well done. Best of luck tonight, but if you win, leave the sword at home, won’t you? Hello number three, what’s your name and where do you come from? O: Eh Cilla, me name’s Gabriel Oak an I be from Weatherbury as well. C: Hiya, chuck, why don’t you tell everyone a bit about yourself? O: Well, I’m 28 an I work on a farm in Weatherbury, Cilla. C: And I heard that you used to own your own farm, is that right? O: Ay, that be correct, Cilla, I used to ave some lovely little sheepies, but, sadly, most of em died in a tragic accident. C: Awwwwww†¦ (Sympathy) O: Yer, so maybe, even though I don’t ave a lot, she’ll still be willing to ave me. Then I’ll know she be genuine an all that. An it could get me a few sympathy votes as well, But I wont let on until after the show, just in case. C: A man with a plan! Well, you probably wont even need to use the sheep story Gabriel, I’m sure you’ll be fine. And may the best fella win. Good luck to all of you. Now, guys and girls, lets meet the lucky lady who gets her pick of one of these gorgeous guys! (Bathsheba enters) C: Hello love, and you are Bathsheba, is that right? B: Yes Cilla, that’s right. C: And where are you from, Bathsheba love? B: I’m from Weatherbury Cilla. C: Oh I didn’t see that one coming. Now, what sort of thing are you looking for, and hoping to find tonight in one of our top-class bachelors? B: Well, I’m looking for someone who will flatter me but also stand up to me. I’m very independent. C: Oh, that’s right, you own a farm, dont you? B: I do indeed, Cilla. C: Well, let’s hope those three blokes over there stand up to you more than your farm animals do. And lets hope they smell better an all. B: well I won’t know until the date, but lets hope so. C: Alright love. Let’s get on with your three questions then. Fire away! B: Hello boys! ALL: Hello Bathsheba! B: Okay, my first question is; If I was an animal, I would be a tiger, because I could definitely use a little taming. If you were an animal, what would you be, and why? That goes to number 1, please. Bo: Well, Bathsheba, I would be a snake, a boa constrictor, so I would be able to wrap myself around you, and squeeze you as tight as I can. B: And to number 2, please. T: Well, I would be a fox, most obviously because of my red coat, but also because I hunt my prey and always get what I want. B: And, lastly, to number 3, please. O: Well, I would probably be a sheep, because, apart from being cute n cuddly, I would follow you round as a sheep does and always be with you. B: Okay, 2nd question. If I were a type of food, I would be a curry, because I am hot and spicy! What food would you be, and why? That is to number 2, please. T: Well, I would be Egg and Soldiers, so you could have a dip in me anytime! B: And to number 3, please. O: Okay, if I was a food, I would be Shepherd’s Pie, because I be a shepherd, and I be warm, tasty and simple. So, heat me up, and it’ll be dinner for two. B: And lastly, to number 1, please. Bo: If I was a sort of food, I would most certainly be Toad in the hole, because once you dig down to my deep centre and kiss the toad, I would be your handsome prince. B: And my last question is; I am a woman who likes to be pampered and showered with gifts. If you could give me one thing, what would it be and why? To number 3, please. O: Well, I don’t ave a lot, you see, but I would give you my heart of gold, because that be all I wantin in return. B: And to number 1, please. Bo: I would give you anything you want, anything your heart desires. And the greatest gift any woman could wish for – ME! B: And last but not least, to number 2, please. T: I would give you the sheath to my prized possession, my sword, because then I would be allowed to put my things inside yours. C: Oh well, Bathsheba, that’s all your questions. But don’t make your mind up yet, here’s a bit of help from Our Graham! G: So Bathsheba, will it be Toady number 1, who will give you himself and squeeze you tightly, just don’t send him any mail! Or, will it be foxy number 2, who likes nothing better than putting on his Soldier coat and doing sword tricks – just keep the toast away from his yolk. Or, will you decide on warm and simple number 3, and if on your date his sheepy antics get on your nerves, you could always sell that gold heart he gave you. THE DECISION – IS YOURS! C: So who will it be love – 1, 2 or 3? B: I’m going to have to go with number 3, Cilla. C: Oh, but what about the two you turned down? (introduces Troy, then Boldwood – they leave) C: So here is your Blind Date, you picked number one, that was Gabriel Oak from Weatherbury – come in Gabriel! (Gabriel and Bathsheba meet) C: Alright, are you pleased? (Both nod). Okay then, let’s pick a date! Which one will be picking? O: I’ll let the lovely lady here pick. (Bathsheba picks) B: A sightseeing trip to London! (Hands envelope to Cilla) C: It says here that the two of you will be seeing all the sights of the Famous London! Have either of you been there before? (both say no). Good. Then after that, you’ll be shopping ’til you drop and then staying in a luxury hotel! It says here let’s hope that the two of you aren’t calling each other pigs by the end of the week! Okay, let’s have a round of applause for Bathsheba and Gabriel!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Internet gambling Essay

This document entrust inform you about the chronicle of earnings gambol, the professual ripostes, and a number of commercial enterprises gnarly with online romp. Prior to the launching of the World all-inclusive blade in 1993 which changed the setting of romp, mountain had to travel great distances to happen. The va allow de chambres first virtual online casino, earnings Casinos, Inc. (ICI) commenced surgical process on August 18, 1995 with 18 distinct casino games.Most of these online gaming companies ar located outside of the U. avoid disposal prosecution. ICI operates out of the Turks and Caicos Islands (Kish, 1999). One of the main reasons net profit swordplay started was because of hail. The value to start up an net gambol locate is close to 1. 5 one meg million million dollars, which is half of what it costs to actually construct a casino. ICI estimates that the alliance averages about a twenty four-spot percentage profit margin, versus the typical united States casino, which ranges from eight percent to sixteen percent of each dollar wagered (Kish, 1999).An estimated twenty million people are currently online with a projected 160 million online by the year 2020. The everywhereall market for online gambling is estimated to be approximately $49 one thousand thousand worldwide (Kish, 1999). The history of mesh gambling is only a decade old, however, its history bequeath hold on for some(prenominal) to a greater extent than. There are several existing issues facing meshing gambling. The first issues we will discuss are how to regulate earnings gambling.The question raised by the egress of profits gambling is whether old laws found mainly on a world of atomsare still viable, and if non, in which de pixilatedor the mesh should be regulated (Walther, 2000). just about scholars believe that internet gambling necessarily to be regulated, and of course there are those that say let the owners of the points regulate themselves. regulatory procedures post be targeted at all or two of the providers and the consumers of gambling services.In the case of consumers, regulation is usually implement by age, through prohibition of the confederacy of minors. Procedures might also be artificial to prohibit problem risk takers or outstanding bankrupts from engaging in gambling (Clarke, 2000). another(prenominal) existing problem with internet gambling is The Wire Act which was intended to encourage the states, territories and possessions of the United States, as well as the District of Columbia, in enforcing their respective laws on gambling and bookmaking and to suppress organized gambling activities.Subsection (a) of the Wire Act, a abominable provision, provides Whoever being engaged in the channel of viewting or wagering knowingly uses a cable converse facility for the infection in interstate or conflicting commerce of bets or wagers or education assisting in the placing of bet s or wagers on whatever sporting event or contest, or for the transmission of a wire communication which en entitles the recipient to receive bills or credit as a moderate of bets or wagers, or for information assisting in the placing of bets or wagers, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both (Rodefer, 2003).During the family of Representatives debate on the crown, Congressman Emanuel Celler, chairwoman of the House Judiciary Committee verbalize this bill only gets by and by the book set aboutr, the gambler who makes it his business to take bets or to record off bets. . . It does not go after the causal gambler who bets $2 on a race (Rodefer, 2003). What the g all overnment is having a problem with is that most internet gambling sites are run ran in contradictory countries, and they bednot enforce this act against them. What they are laborious to do is change the act to allow in these third parties.An example of this is the introduc tion of the Internet free rein Prohibition Act of 1997 (Walther, 2000). The bill would bring prohibited Internet gambling by extending the Wire Acts prohibitions on traditional forms of gambling by phone or wire to the Internet (Walther, 2000). This amendment would provide penalties for online bets and wagers. This so far recognisems to be the best solution, however ethical and moralistic plights still rest in the transfer of our lawmakers today. The attached issue facing internet gambling is measurees. This seems to be the governments biggest issue.This is because of the billions of dollars we mentioned for profit by these online sites, government can gain significant amount of money from it. The legalization of Internet gambling may cause states to lose some revenue generated from legalized gambling operations because many gamblers would top their money online (Lassani, 1998). Moreover, states lose revenue by not being able to tax gamblers who win over the Internet. Gam blers who win over the Internet have an incentive not to pay taxes on their winnings because the ingrained Revenue Service (IRS) lacks the resources to track online gamblers (Lassani, 1998).The likeliness of dependency to Internet gambling among both children and adults is an extremely important concern. In sexual intercourse to addiction, children are more likely to operate accustom to something new than adults (Smith, 2004). For example, the video game-like personality of virtual casinos, labeled the crack cocaine of gambling, could make online gambling a enticement difficult to resist. Furthermore, the fact that the Internet gambler need not leave the entertain and privacy of his or her home could mean that an individual might become soft addicted.This is the worst thing about internet gambling, because there will not be anyone to detect if a person is addicted or not. Consequently the only care they will get is their selves, and that leaves the player defencelessly ag ainst the dependence of gambling. Having to go to the casino to gamble has better knocks of knowing who is addicted and who is not, they have hired hands to detect this problem, inappropriate the home atmosphere. Kevin ONeill, Deputy theatre director of New Jerseys Council on Compulsive swordplay says The real curse comes from the isolation and secrecy of the betting use itself. I call this threat the hollow syndrome due to the gamblers apart(p) behavior and hidden activity (Wharry, 2001). In closing the short lived World dewy-eyed Web as created pandemonium with our lawmakers. The dilemma of how everyone interprets the Wire Act is a study concern. The efforts to amend it to make all users apt(predicate) for using the weathervanesites are tiresome, and stopping foreigners from creating internet gambling sites seems never-ending since the United States cannot dominance them.In just over a decade there are over twenty million users, expected to add to 160 million in the next 14 years. Its revenue is over 49 billion dollars and increasing. There are more profit margins with online gambling than the traditional casino. The cost to create a gambling web is 1. 5 million dollars compared to the 300 million to build a casino, this creates profit and increases attention because of its trouble-free access. One important concern with internet gambling is addiction.Children are tardily addicted to new things than adults and it will make it harder to control and detect gambling addiction. Internet gambling is a good humanity for those people who can control themselves, however for those who cannot have a greater chance to end up bankrupt. Thus we can see from this example alone, why lawmakers are having such problems to secure the problem, do they let it carry on or let people put themselves in riskiness of losing everything.Michael Bolcerek the President of The Poker Group said, Its a personal liberty issue with regard to how you spend your money and wh at you see over the Internet(Roth, 2006).References Clarke, R. (2000, December). The feasibility of regulate gambling on the internet . Retrieved whitethorn 5, 2006, from Regulations of internet gambling Web site http//www. anu. edu. au/people/Roger. Clarke/II/FeasIGR. hypertext mark-up language Kish, S. (1999). An analysis of the governments social function in addressing internet gambling. Betting on the Net, 51(no 2), 449-6. Lessani, A.M. (1998, May).How much do you want to bet that the internet gambling prohibition act of 1997 is not the most effective modality to tackle the problems of online gambling. Retrieved May 4, 2006, from The Internet Gambling Prohibition Act An Analysis Web site http//www. gseis. ucla. edu/iclp/alessani. html Rodefer, J. (2003). Federal wire wager act. Retrieved May 5, 2006, from Gambling-Law- US. com Web site http//www. gambling-law-us. com/Federal-Laws/wire-act. htm Roth, B. (2006, April 25). Foes try to squelch online gambling.Knight Ridder Tribu ne vocation News, 1. Smith, A. (2004). Controversial and emerging issues associates with eybergambling (e-casinos). Online Information Review. 28(6), 435-443. Walther, F. M. (2000). A comparative u. s. -swiss perspective. Retrieved May 5, 2006, from Internet Gambling Related Regulatory Questions and Enforcement Problems Web site http//stlr. stanford. edu/STLR/Events/gambling/contents_f. htmlnote5 Wharry, S. (2001). E-Gambling threat worries addiction experts. You Bet Your Life, 165,325.